Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Student Posters- Social Skills Presentation- Reem Totry, 13-14 EC-SEBRIS Student

Reem Totry's poster presentation December 15, 2013
From Reem:

I had a great time putting together my poster presentation. My project was on social skills between late infancy to toddlers. I learned a great deal on the importance of mastering social skills before the age of five. The most important "Aha!" moment for me was when I found out that children who enter elementary school who are not equipped with social skills sometimes can be labeled as having behavioral problems. These children will likely perform poorly in school, have less friendships, be bullied, and possibly be expelled. This just reinforces everything I have learned in the EC-SEBRIS program, which teaches us the importance of intervention and prevention during the ages of 0 to 5 years old.

Thanks, Reem!

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