Monday, September 14, 2015

Leah Bray's Reflection on the Masters Program

Though I have only been out of undergrad for 1 year, it was a struggle coming back to school for my master’s degree. I did my undergrad at University of California, Irvine with a major in drama and a minor in education. I moved to San Diego a year ago and have worked as a specialist for a transportation company named Hyundai Translead. I knew I wanted to complete my master’s degree as soon as possible, but the challenge was deciding if I wanted a credential program or a new area of study; and then I found the MS in child development at San Diego State. Though I have my minor in education, I do not feel I have enough knowledge to pursue a teaching credential until I fully learn how children grow and development. This master’s program seemed like a perfect fit.

I quit my job at Hyundai Translead and started school two weeks ago. I did not know what to expect in this program, though I was nervous and excited to begin. Once I realized I had been assigned to Dr. Shapiro as the chair for my thesis/project I was intrigued. I met with her to discuss the possibilities and she told me a study she was conducting with a colleague regarding mindfulness between couples and how it affects a child’s development. Coming from divorced parents and a family where loving each other came second to responsibility, this topic seemed fascinating to me - seeing if mindfulness within one’s self translates into mindfulness between other people. It has been a very full two weeks, and I cannot wait to find what else I learn throughout this program. Though I have had some second thoughts before class started, it is clear to me now that this is where I am meant to be, and excited to find what opportunities open in the future.

For more information on the Master's in Child Development, visit our website.