My experience in the EC-SEBRIS program so far has been great. It was very overwhelming at first, just receiving all the information regarding our classes and assignments and also knowing all of our big projects and tests that we would have to complete.
But I quickly learned that we had a great staff and other great resources. Our reflective group supervisors and our site coach that were more than happy to help if we ever needed. I absolutely love the site that I have been placed at (Head Start- La Mesa), and I enjoy being there every day with the kids.
My favorite class is the reflective group because it gives me a chance to talk to Dr. Kent and a few of my cohorts about any issues that I have. She gives me great advice on any problems that I am having trouble with.
I am really looking forward to the rest of this semester and applying what I have learned in my classes to my every day experiences with children.
The EC-SEBRIS certificate program is an interdisciplinary program for early childhood professionals who want to improve skills for working with young children who demonstrate socio-emotional and behavioral concerns, and their parents. Certificate courses can be applied towards a Master of Science in Child Development.
The EC-SEBRIS program will accept applications for Fall 2015 admission from Oct. 1, 2014 to March 2, 2015. For more information on the EC-SEBRIS graduate certificate program, visit our website.